Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Happy Day Project

happy day

I just found this and it looks like I missed it!  I would love to do something like this with my students next year.  I am always looking for ways to encourage the kids to be kinder individuals and they often love it!

Food Panic

As I get older, or maybe it's because I now have to little people to think of, I have become more and more nervous about the food we eat.  I can't say I'm not prone to hysteria or anxiety over things (like MRSA, or SIDS) so it's not surprising that the American diet would eventually become my newest fear.  I watched shows like Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and read books like In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan.  I watched Food, Inc and remember the terror of the food poisoning unit from 7th grade science class.  I subscribe to the FDA emails about recalls and watch the news every day.  I can say without a doubt, that that stuff scares the daylights out of me.

And so I have become paranoid about what my family eats.  I remember when Her Majesty was first eating table food, that I *gasp* would feed her chicken nuggets and fishsticks because it was easier and I didn't know about Michael Pollan or Jamie Oliver then.  It wasn't until one of the major produce recalls (I can't remember which one.  There have been so many!) that I started to get a little nervous.  After that it seemed like every other month there was some food product on the shelves that was destined to kill us.  I stopped eating spinach for a time, and tomatoes, then peanut butter, and I still won't eat cantaloupe.

It seemed that soon my fears snowballed into what they are today.  I have to say it is not all that hard to cook from scratch and buy mostly organic.  But what for some people is a sensible thing that they want to do for their family, for me comes from a place of craziness.

I am totally not judging anyone whether they grow all their own food or eat from McDonalds everyday.  I have friends on both sides of the spectrum.  I'm just saying that for me, the fear is getting to be too much and the next big food recall could send me completely over the edge!